Wielding the Weather

The snowman shoots ice shards, and I created a water orb, so it only makes sense if the player's special attack was to summon the rain! The rain is very useful. It can damage all enemies that have spawned, destroy some of the fire orbs that have already spawned, and cool down the fire gate so the player can pass through and collect the resources behind it.

To damage all spawned gameobjects, I stored all of them into lists. When the enemy is spawned, its added to a list and when an orb is spawned its added to a list. With the lists, I can use a for loop to call the necessary methods on each object. However, as the enemies were dying and the orbs were being collected, I realized I was leaving a lot of empty "holes" in my lists, which meant I was not using space efficiently and I could not cycle through my lists efficiently. I was not sure what was the best way to handle this. As a result, research showed me that I should create and enemy pool similar to the bullet pool that I have for bullets! 

The Need to See

The player needs to collect both energy and water orbs. It would be more convenient if they could see the number of orbs they have and their current health. So, I made a UI panel that would show all the information and also show when the player is carrying too many orbs or doesn't have enough for the action.


The trees need to light up based on the energy orbs deposited.

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